Sunday, January 30, 2011

Breaking news:The most sought after character in the series of Looney tunes is jobless.

Breaking news:The most sought after character in the series of Looney tunes is jobless.
Coyote is jobless.Wile E. Coyote better known as coyote expressed happiness after road Runner went missing on Friday night.It's duo charchter Road runner was killed by Rajnikanth after a suspected fierce marathon run.Rajni and road runner were reportedly last seen by a schoolboy in Rajasthan,India.He reported that he has seen small sand hurricanes in north direction.Later on,after a preliminary investigation conducted by Warner Bros,Tamil film director Shankar and Looney tunes:Back in action, director Joe Dante revealed that both Rajni and Road runner were involved in this.Their report stated that "This could be a marathon Run between Rajnikanth and Road Runner.Also from the state of foot prints it could be sensed that this might be a conspiracy.However Road Runner's suspected death is not yet confirmed"
Later,the bird was heard crying "Beep, Beep,Beep, Beep" by a local man in Visakhapatnam.The man informed that he heard a voice "Beep,Beep, Beep, Beep Beep, Beep,Beep, Beep"for about ten minutes,after which the voice stopped.His son noticed the sound but could not get there on time,However his son spotted Rajni laughing and congratulating a Fox like creature which he suspected to be coyote.NO body knows why Road Runner was seen in INDIA leaving its basic habitat the southwest American desert.
All the eyes in the world are now on Wile E. Coyote as coyote expressed happiness after Road Runner's Death.Coyote said that he was happy that his job was done by some one else and denied the allegations that he hired Rajni to do this shameful act.He dissmissed saying that these roumers were spread by his Looney tunes enemies who dont want him to take up the next film with Matthew O'Callaghan.Coyote also said that he would consult the next film's producer on who will star against him.
Some of the Road Runner Fans Wanted explanations for some unanswered questions either from the investigation report or from coyote.

PS:This is a fictitious news item created by me only for fun!!